Learn about coaching
What is Life Coaching?
Through a series of coaching conversations, your coach guides you in your journey of personal and professional discovery. You bring your willingness and commitment to change, take risks, learn, and stretch your potential to the coaching relationship. As your life coach, Denise Paech provides a confidential environment, supportive input, and accountability. This powerful combination inspires the achievement of strong, vibrant and sustainable life changes.
A Life Coach is:
- Your partner in achieving professional goals
- Your champion during a turnaround
- Your trainer in communication and life skills
- Your sounding board when making choices
- Your motivator when strong actions are called for
- Your unconditional support when you take a hit
- Your mentor in personal development
- Your co-designer when developing an extraordinary project
- Your beacon during stormy times
- Your wake-up call if you don't hear your own; and most importantly
- Your coach is your partner in living the life you know you're ready for, personally and professionally.
(Thomas Leonard, the recognised founder of the coaching profession)
How does coaching work?
When was the last time someone:
- gave you their full attention?
- asked you what you wanted to talk about?
- listened to what you had to say?
- acknowledged you for being you?
- cheered you on to find the right answers for you?
- provided supportive ideas rather than their solutions?
- was there for you, no matter what?
- celebrated your successes with you?
People in coaching relationships enjoy all this and more in every coaching session.
Sessions are scheduled on a regular basis generally for 45 minutes, two or three times a month. Telephone, Skype or face-to-face options are available. You will have homework to do, and Denise will be available to support you between sessions.
To find out more, call to arrange a complimentary exploratory session with Denise to see how coaching could be right for you.
Why choose Turning Point Coach?
Denise Paech delights in supporting others to clarify their visions, design solutions, and take action in whatever they decide. A member of the International Coach Federation and credentialed as an Associate Certified Coach, Denise continues her training through Coach U.
Denise is the only, and first ICF credentialed coach in the Northern Territory. Across Australia, there are only 200 ICF credentialed coaches. This certification comes fromthe most widely recognised coach credentialing body in the world and is awarded independenly of any coach training organisation. Denise has met the high standards of training and demonstrated competency required by the ICF, subscribes to the ICF’s philosophy of coaching and has pledge to operate within theICF Code of Ethice and Standards of Conduct.
This includes the strictest levels of confidentiality. In short, we do not disclose anything about the existence or content of our coaching relationships without your express permission.
Denise is also accredited to conduct The Coaching Clinic ®, a two-day program that provides managers, leaders and human resource professionals with the skills needed to take a coach-approach to effectively attract, engage, develop and retain employees in today’s challenging work environment.
Her life experience has included balancing the demands of being a government executive, business manager, part-time student and volunteer, as well as the transitions we face as our children, parents and relationships mature and change.